Leadership and management is in crisis. Strategies are not implemented, employees are not committed, decision-making and control, based on hierarchy, block creativity, innovation and agility. As a result, growth and development slow down or stop. Leadership is often seen as a status-based management role and a privilege of the few. Instead of leading and managing people, more leadership is needed that is independent of titles or positions. Leadership that is not based on position in the hierarchy, past achievements or status, but more a way of thinking, attitude, behavior and action, regardless of position. Leadership can be applied and implemented regardless of role and position. This course focuses on developing your leadership as an individual - without any dependences on a leadership position.

Learn leadership skills for the future:

this course will provide you with tools for individual transformation.

Do you feel like…

  • Management is stuck in the industrial age and still largely based on hierarchy and control?

  • You can't find online coaching for individual leadership development?

  • You feel you need new thinking and actions to replace outdated management habits?

  • You’d like to develop your leadership skills but don't really know where to start?

Why are leadership skills more important than ever in the digital age?

  • Operating environments are increasingly complex and change is accelerating, thus showing direction and keeping focus are essential.

  • Leadership in organizations is becoming more fragmented, as the popularity of autonomous operating models, open strategy processes and de-centralized decision-making models are growing.

  • The commitment of seasoned experts and their threshold to change jobs is decreasing, traditional management doesn’t work.

  • Companies have practically unlimited possibilities - there are endless number of choices and opt-outs, which requires the ability to make difficult choices.

  • Sustainable, future-oriented and responsible decisions and actions require future awareness - the ability to look far and take responsibility for today's decisions.

  • In an interaction where there is no hierarchy, human skills are needed - skills to listen and face others.


During Leadership skills for the future online course you’ll learn:

  • What leadership in the digital age means and why leadership is so essential

  • What are the most important skills and behaviours of leadership in the digital age

  • How to develop your own leadership skills

  • Input for your individual reflection and leadership development, as well as concrete examples and tools for your own leadership path


Like every significant change, also leadership development starts from oneself. Do you want to take your leadership to a level that helps you and others achieve goals? Come and join the inspiring Leadership skills for the future online course!

I’ll share with you for instance:

  • What is leadership in the digital age?

  • Why is leadership more important than management?

  • What skills and tasks are involved in leadership?

  • How can leadership be developed?

  • About the digital age leadership framework, created based on experiences, in order to structure, understand and develop future leadership

This course is for you, if you say “yes” to at least one of these:

  • You want to learn more about leadership in the digital age

  • You think that there’s too much old-fashioned management in companies and the management would really need to be disrupted

  • You want to understand how you can develop your leadership skills

  • You want to use leadership skills in practice

  • You feel that leadership is not a status or a position, but more of a mission and a role

  • You want to decrease hierarchy of the operating model and culture of your company and support leadership at all levels

  • You are an active change maker who needs support for leadership development and tools for changing management practices, behaviour and culture

  • You are a subject matter expert and want to better understand your own leadership skills

  • You can be in any role, you don't have to be in a leadership position

  • You think that leadership belongs to those whose title includes the word “leader”

  • You think that leadership is based on hierarchy and control

  • You don't want to change and learn new things

This course is not for you, if:

Learn the most essential things about leadership in the digital age. You will have access to a leadership framework / canvas and practical tools with which you can develop your own leadership skills and share your learnings with others.

By joining Leadership skills for the future online course, you’ll get:

  • A focused and tight package explaining the most essential skills and behaviours of leadership in the digital era and tips for development

  • Concrete tools and advice on how to start developing your own leadership skills

  • I will share with you the future leadership canvas I’ve developed and my own experiences along my leadership journey

Do you want to develop your leadership skills, show direction and act in a future-conscious manner? Come and join the Leadership skills for the future online course.

Who is Paula Ylisassi - the coach and creator of Leadership skills for the future online course?

Hi, I'm Paula, nice to meet you! I’m your coach and guide during the course and one of the founders of Change Makers' Society. I have more than 20 years of experience in managing various teams, functions, programs, projects, units, companies and businesses. My mission is to build future-proof leadership so that people and companies can succeed. My passion for developing leadership has been born through personal experiences, when I have witnessed what kind of consequences lack of leadership and poor management can cause for people, companies and businesses. In my opinion, management hasn’t changed at the same pace as the rest of the world and has clearly fallen behind. I feel that companies need leadership now more than ever: the ability to show direction, the ability to act humanely, the ability to enable success and the ability to think and make decisions and business in a future-conscious way. In the course, I’ll share my experiences, views, tools and tips for reflecting and developing one's own actions and thinking as well as digital age leadership framework I’ve created.


Leadership skills for the future -online course includes:

  • Intro: Why is leadership more important than ever?

  • Module 1: Why and for what do we need leadership for?

  • Module 2: What kind of leadership skills do we need in the digital age and how can one develop these skills?

  • Module 3: What are the most essential tasks for the digital age leader?

  • Module 4: Your leadership toolkit and steps for your leadership journey

  • Outro: Summary of learnings and steps ahead


Why is Leadership skills for the future a great investment, if you want to develop leadership in your organisation?

  • Management is in transition and new thinking is needed in companies to change dusty management practices and beliefs.

  • Agile operations and a company that adapts to rapid changes need leadership throughout the organization - leadership is not only a right and a duty based on position.

  • Organizations and people aspire for support for and change in leadership and its development - megatrends require future conscious leadership and decision-making.

  • The course initiates a change in thinking, a change in thinking initiates action and results follow action. The loop works, but without a change in one's own thinking, changing the operation is not realistic.

  • I'll share with you the experiences and tools I've learned over the years, as well as tips that you can use to develop your own leadership.

You’ll get the course material right away and can progress at your own pace. You’ll also learn how you can put learnings into practice in your own work and life.

Leadership is needed more than ever.


  • The course is especially intended for those who are interested in the leadership skills required by modern corporate life and business, as well as for those interested in developing their own leadership skills. The course can serve as a nudge for an experienced change maker, expert or manager to change their own actions and thinking, or also as an introduction to the leadership skills needed in the working life of the digital age for those interested in the topic and for beginners. I share my own framework for leadership in the digital age, I give plenty of tools and tips for developing your own thinking and actions. The course provides input and ignition for your own leadership path.

  • The course can be paid by card. Safe and reliable Stripe acts as the payment intermediary. If your employer pays for the training or you cannot pay by card for some other reason, you can also pay for the course with an invoice. Send your billing information to After a completed payment, you will be added to the course against a receipt.

  • Register for the course and pay for the course. After paying for the course, you also create credentials for the course platform, where you can log in immediately and study the course at your own pace. After registration, you will receive an email confirming the payment and more detailed instructions. So remember to monitor your e-mail and also check your spam box if necessary. Learn and be inspired by coaching! You can go through the training at your own pace, in chunks or on a row, whatever suits you best.

Satisfaction guarantee

I believe this course will help you in finding focus and prioritise your tasks. My belief is so strong that I’ll give you 100% satisfaction guarantee: if for any reason you think the course wasn’t useful or you just didn’t like it, you can get 100% of your money back within 14 days of your order.

Begin your transformational journey towards future-proof leadership today by joining the Leadership skills for the future online course!